The following is a list of many (not all) of our critical operational missions, deployments and CBDRR activities. From Wildfires to Floods to Storms to Medical missions and Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) etc we has deployed locally, nationally and internationally to provide professional services without cost to the suffering and needy.


2003 Thames Valley Police MisPer United Kingdom Operation Red Kite 1

2004 MisPer w/ Royal Air Force United Kingdom  Operation Eagle (Hoist) [YouTube Link]

2004 Boxing Day Tsunami Sri Lanka Operations Russell’s Viper (Snake) [VIDEO]

2005 SE Asia Earthquake Pakistan Operation Mountain Lion [OLD WEBLINK]

2006 EQ Medical F-Up / CBDRR Pakistan Operation Markhor (Goat) [OLD WEBLINK]

2007 Flooding UK Operation Red Kite [BBC TV NEWS YOUTUBE]

2008 Capacity Building Operation Wild Horse I Medical Pakistan

2008 Capacity Building Rescue Pakistan Operation Wild Horse II

2008 Capacity Building USAR Operation Wild Horse III

2010 High Risk MisPer Pakistan Op Tawney Owl - Found MisPer [NEWS LINK]

2010 High Risk MisPer UK (Gloucs) Operation Red Fox

2010 UK Snowstorm UK (Gloucs) Operation Penguin  [BBC NEWS LINK]

2010 Earthquake: Port Au Prince Haiti  Operation Crocodile [VIDEO LINK]

2010 Indus River Floods Pakistan Operation King Cobra Snake [NEWS]  [ARTICLE P26]

2012 Flooding United Kingdom Operation Brown Rat

2012 Superstorm USA, New York  Operation Bobcat

2013 Superstorm / Typhoon Philippines  Operation Carabao [LINK 2 MIN]   |  [LINK 40 SEC]

2014 Flooding and Storm Response with Fire Rescue / DEFRA UK Operation Seagull

2017 Hurricane Irma support Caribbean Operation Green Lizard (Op Ruman UK)

2018 Exercise with Royal Marines​ RN UK Operation Blue Bird Vanguard [VIDEO LINK]

2018 Ex. w/ Police Marine Unit Canada Operation (Celtic) Griffin [VIDEO LINK]

2018 Tech Rescue/Flood CBDRR Bolivia Operation Giant Otter 

2019 Flooding Ontario Canada Operation Inundatio (“Goldeneye”) [LINK]

2019 Global Wildfires Bolivia Operation Armadillo [LINK] [VIDEO TV NEWS]

2019 Police Training Exercise Peel, Canada Operational / Exercise Milk Snake 

2020 Police Marine Exercise Norfolk, Canada Operation White Perch 

2020 Global Covid19 Pandemic Global Operation Nightingale 

2020 Wilderness & Water Ex. Ontario, Canada Operation Salmon

​2021 Wildland Fires Response Ontario, Canada Operation Black Bear

​2021 Military & Police Exercise Ontario, Canada Operation Griffin's Claw [LINK]

​2022 All Hazards FN Response Ontario, Canada Operation Eagle Arrow 

2022 Covid19 Deployments KI Ontario, Canada Operation Big Trout (Nightingale) 

2022 All Hazard CapBdg LS Ontario, Canada Operation Eagle Arrow II

​2022 Flood Deployment Ontario, Canada Operation Black Swan / Bears [LINK]

2022 Medical / Support Ukraine Operation Steppe Polecat

​​2022 Wildland Fire & Evacs Ontario, Canada Operation Phoenix Eye 

2022 All Hazard CBM FN Ontario, Canada Operation Shepherds Tree Snake

​2022 Flood Response First Nations Operation Black Swan Bears 

2022 Covid 19 & Medical Support FN Ont Canada Operation Big Trout

2022 ALL Hazard CBM Sioux Lookout Operation Eagle Arrow

2023 Fire Rescue CBDRR StdMn Grimsby Ont Operation Phoenix Bear

2023 Fire Rescue CBDRR / Trg Lac Seul FN Operation Eagle Bear

2023 Leadership Dev Capacity Bdg Sioux Lookout Operation Barred Owl

​2023 Medical Support Mission Lac Seul FN​ Operation Mother Loon

2023 Fire Operation Grimsby Ontario Operation Beowulf Dragon

​2024 Ice Rescue Sioux Lookout Operation Harbour Seal

2024 Medical and Emergencies Lac Seul Pikangikum First Nations Operational Mother Bear 


It's not all missions and deployments. Here are some pictures from training and meetings!