There are many ways you can help and volunteer. If you can help - please reach out.

We have Operational and front line roles. 

We also have non-operational and support roles.


​We are looking for fit men and women to volunteer as Operational members and help support our work in Canada and the United Kingdom as well. We do some great things, you learn lots, meet interesting people and get to help lots of people. 

Everyone starts as a "Generalist (SAR Engineer) and if you are a Rescuer or Medic or have a Marine / Water Rescue background, then you you may like to specialize. 

To apply you just need to satisfy a few requirements e.g.

​If you have any questions, please get in touch!


One day a month is the average for a new member. Some mores may average less and if you are on deployment or doing events, then it will be a few days more. Expect no less that 5 times a year when trained and many give 24 times a year or more (especially if you join the International Team!)

So as you progress and at some operationally busy times we would hope that you can give more time, especially in the Summer during our busier events. 


Of course we want lots of great positive smiling people who look at challenges with a sense of adventure who are keen to join!  But we all know that sometimes self reflection means that you may be great, we may be great, but it won't be a great fit. 

So what are excluding factors?

Examples of some exclusionary factors may be

Wearing smart uniform & having organised kit, is a basic staple of our ERT SAR team ethos & improves Operational capacity.

OTC1: Generalists

So, when you first apply to join ERT SAR you would usually be joining as a "Generalist." (This is what we call the "B SQUAD")

This would allow you to operationally support most local and national 'standard' functions like community based resilience, safety and protection functions and well as enter parts of some of the others. 

• Coordination Roles  •  EOC / IMS Functions  •   •  Most Community Support Roles • Public Events • BoO (Base of Operations) Support Roles • National Capacity Roles  • Search for GSAR (Ground Search and Rescue) & Wilderness •  Team Capacity Building Functions   

OTC2: Specialists

Specialists are what we call the "C SQUAD."  You start by completing a brief onboarding and then the OTC 1 pipeline before specializing in the area they are operationally focusing. ​Members can be a part of more than one area.

For example we have Technical Rescue specialists who are professional medics and on the Marine Unit.

Once you have joined. if interested, we can streamline your progression into the "Specialist" roles if desired.

You would usually have external qualifications which you bring when you join.  As a "Specialists" would complete the OTC 2 pipeline and then your area of specialisation. (Sometimes this is very quick, for example if you are a professional medic, you would show your registration and do a short review of our SOPs, IPAC requirements and PHEC (Pre-Hospital Emergency Care) guidelines etc.) 

For example if you are in logistics and transport you would be able to drive various vehicles. If you are in the medical section you would either be a professional medic with a protected title (Doctor, Nurse or Paramedic) or an EMT type specialist with appropriate pre-hospital emergency care and a desire to work in the medical section.

There are so many ways people can help and NOW is a great time because we are actively recruiting.


Non-Operational Support Members are what we call the "A SQUAD."

So if you can''t want to join operationally but can maybe help with fundraising, donating needed items, donating money, volunteering non-operationally, or helping in other ways - we need your help! 

Or maybe you you want to run a Marathon for us or have a bake sale?!  Please do GET IN TOUCH! :-) 



This is the Pipeline to operational member of B, C and D Squad, in a picture.


Please email us at MEMBERSHIP@ert-sar.com and tell us a bit about yourself.

We look forward to hearing from you!